About me

My name is José Pedro Correia and I am currently a freelance software developer specializing in the health sector.

For about two years I worked as a data scientist, developer, and eventually head of IT, at Centro de Medicina Digital P5. There, I was responsible for building the main application stack to modernize data collection and management processes, focussing on compatibility with HL7 FHIR from the get go. I set up a cloud-based infrastructure with Kubernetes and implemented the core internal software solutions for managing electronic health records. This included an authentication and authorization platform (with Keycloak), a FHIR-compliant database and backend (with HAPI FHIR), an administrative interface to manage the data (with React Admin), as well as other services and batch processes to integrate data from various sources (with Java and Spring).

I bring these skills and expertise to help foster innovation and support digital transformation initiatives in organizations of all kinds.


I studied Software Engineering at the University of Minho (2002-2007) in Braga, my hometown. That included an internship on video processing at Philips Research in Eindhoven. After that, I moved to Amsterdam and worked as a researcher/data scientist at Software Improvement Group. I also worked as a software quality assurance engineer, first at Textkernel and then, after moving back to Portugal, at Blip.

During my period in the Netherlands, I completed the Master of Logic programme (2011-2013) at the University of Amsterdam. There, I began developing an interest in better understanding meaning in natural language. Unsatisfied with formal semantics and related logic-based approaches, I became interested in signaling games as an alternative framework for conceptualizing meaning. For my MSc thesis, I investigated the application of signaling games to the philosophical problem of vagueness.

This led to a PhD programme (2015-2019) at the University of Porto, working as part of the Mind, Language, and Action Group. My work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (grant number SFRH/BD/100437/2014). In my PhD thesis, I explored the connections between signaling games and the later philosophy of language of Ludwig Wittgenstein (focusing on the Philosophical Investigations). My broader interests in philosophy include vagueness, Richard Rorty’s pragmatism, and artificial intelligence (of the connectionist kind).

After finishing my PhD, I decided to return to the IT world, having worked as a data scientist at Uphold. I subsequently moved into the health sector, where I currently work as a freelance software developer.

You can contact me at: jose.pedro.correiaproton.me


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